Digital Magazine of the Comboni Missionaries 
in America and Asia

​Comboni Meeting on Integral Ecology
​Belém (Pará, Brazil) from 1 to 3 August 2022


​The indigenous uprising in Ecuador and a Church moving towards an integral ecology

​Like many countries in Latin America and the Global South, Ecuador has been suffering the consequences of the multiple crises of a model that can no longer be sustained, with a slow recovery after Covid-19 and a sharp rise in fuel prices, which has led to an uncontrolled increase in the cost of living. In the last two years, multidimensional poverty has reached almost 40% of the Ecuadorian population.
P. Dário Bossi


Accompanying the victims of social and ecclesial injustices

​The Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council (CELAM) shares with you this second issue with the pastoral challenge of the Ecclesial Assembly: "Accompanying the victims of social and ecclesial injustices with the processes of recognition and reparation".


​For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission

​​Precisely the path of synodality is the path that God expects from the Church of the third millennium" - when Pope Francis uttered these words on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the institution of the Synod of Bishops (17 October 2015), most of us were not even aware of them and therefore were not able to grasp their prophetic depth as they are being revealed to us today.
 Fr. Rafael González Ponce MCCJ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

​Farewell to a shepherd with the smell of sheep 

​​On 23 September, Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino, Archbishop Emeritus of Caracas, died of Covid-19, a pastor totally devoted to the people entrusted to him and a passionate defender of justice, freedom, democracy and the common good for all Venezuelans.
Fr. Francisco Carrera 

El sueño de la fraternidad 

Guía para la lectura de la  encíclica "Hermanos Todos" del Papa Francisco.

​​All brothers and sisters

​Pope Francis signed his encyclical letter "Fratelli Tutti" (Brothers All) on 3 October 2020 on the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi.  The title of the encyclical is taken precisely from the twenty-eight "Admonitions" that the Saint of Assisi addressed to all his brothers and sisters....                                                     


​We need an ecclesiology of communion and communication, because evangelisation needs the collaboration of all. The ecclesiology of proclamation reminds us that the evangelising action is to communicate the Gospel and this communication is carried out by word, by works-witness and by the values-force that drive the spiritual life. Good evangelisation cannot do without all three elements.

​"The evangelisers thus have the "smell of sheep" and the sheep listen to their voice. The evangelising community then sets out to "accompany". It accompanies humanity in all its processes, however hard and prolonged they may be". (EG, n. 24)


​​With this Apostolic Exhortation, Pope Francis wants to invite us to "a new evangelising stage marked by joy and to point out new paths for the Church in the coming years".  Joy is an experience that opens us up to others, because it tends to communicate. This is very important in today's world, which with its consumerist offerings locks us into the "individualistic sadness" that encloses us in ourselves. The Pope asks us to let ourselves be encountered by Jesus Christ, no one can be excluded from the joy of this encounter, from the possibility of receiving his forgiveness. God never tires of forgiving, it is we who tire of turning to his mercy".


Comboni magazines